Eh 1 topaz ,
seriously Dead blog .
Sucha dissapointment .
Ohkay lah , anyway , how are you people ?
Terrible , I hope .
Hows your holidays ?
Dead boring , I guess .
Anyway , uhm youh guys did your holiday assignment already ?
I bet youh more than half the class never do .
Including me ah .
Dont do leh , we all nvr pass up can ?
I swear I dead lazy to do .
& whats the point if we create a class blog , and nobody posts ?
I swear , its like no point .
Ok , I have no idea what to post .
And oh , I realise almost like one-quater of the class is transferring next year ?
Wow , alot of people will go by then ,
Including me .
So bye bye kay ppl^^
Takecare .