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Monday, February 2, 2009

4th post

Hi topaz=)
tanwenhui here,
don't know what to say so will post reminders only...
Art:Pls complete it and hand in on MONDAY~
pls remember to bring your themometer along for the next few days,
there will be a trial temp taking 2moro and the real 1 is on friday.
thursday and friday will be having half day,
but remember 2 return to sch on friday for x-country=)
ok reminding stops here,
i think maybe i will edit the blogskin to add a reminder board or things like that,
so the post can be left for other things=)
oh ya...
if you see some1 with the nickname ILY;IMY=)Wh it is me tanwenhui.
just to stop people from mistaking me and seewenhui up...
anw i do have a english name dawn,
but pls do NOT make fun of it.
T.WENHUI signing off