Sunday, November 15, 2009
Hello :D
Suddenly remembered the blogger account to this blog, so i just decided i should post. Hahaha..
Its the holidays, and i miss school life. I miss everyone in Topaz too. Thinking back, there were many good times we had together. Although we have our own little groups, some quarrels, we still passed the 4 terms together successfully without anyone needing to go to the hospital. Thats a relief. Hahaha...
My point is ;
Since all (or most) of us will be in 2 Topaz next year, and will most likely to change class when we choose our Subjects Combination in Sec 3, i guess we should hang more often as a class next year? I know, some people hate some people, but still, try to forgive and forget during the holidays? Perhaps, your worst enemy might be your best friend? Nobody knows unless you give em' a chance ! :D
Okay, this is just a random post. I hope no one will take what i said to offence. Whatever i said here, is not directed to anyone. Haha, i'll upload some photos soon, i'll choose the funniest one, to let you guys enjoy a good laugh ! (:
Goodbye, take care, Happy Holidays.
Thursday, October 29, 2009

btw if u wanna contact me for more infos ,
alrite tats all , see you guys next year in 2TOPAZ! <3
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Farah here , and I want to pee so badly right now .
That was random .
Okay so now is term 3 .
Gets busier and bitcher every second huh ?
This blog is dead .
Rusty sia , all over .
Wait wait , i go pee first . 10 min kay .
I'm back !
Tmr there's sch , and Ms chen wont be coming for this week , still bcos of her operation . * I know your smiling
Eh okay so i share some things lah okay .
On friday , me , bazilah , jedrick , gelvan , faiz and alfian went to watch obsessed .
In the middle of the movie , Alfian's dick steamed . ( Dont ask why , or how I know and NO , i did not touch it .)
The movie was scary , held some people's hand until in broke into two .
I heard that Fizah is doing a new skin for our blog .
Thanks kay fizah :D
Okay , okay , I promise to update more often .
Love you people ! (as if)
Sunday, June 14, 2009
seriously Dead blog .
Sucha dissapointment .
Ohkay lah , anyway , how are you people ?
Terrible , I hope .
Hows your holidays ?
Dead boring , I guess .
Anyway , uhm youh guys did your holiday assignment already ?
I bet youh more than half the class never do .
Including me ah .
Dont do leh , we all nvr pass up can ?
I swear I dead lazy to do .
& whats the point if we create a class blog , and nobody posts ?
I swear , its like no point .
Ok , I have no idea what to post .
And oh , I realise almost like one-quater of the class is transferring next year ?
Wow , alot of people will go by then ,
Including me .
So bye bye kay ppl^^
Takecare .
Friday, May 22, 2009
Hey guys ^^ updating again~
Maybe tis post might be a little helpful...
i need yer cooperation :D
anyway all u need to do is
to login to blogger , and edit tis :
NOTE : u might nt wanna do this...
if you dont want your emails placed here, imform us on the tagbox.
We wont be putting phone numbers due to privacy .
i think that putting emails is ok as you can reject the person .
OR you can just appear offline .
anyway... Here it goes :
Reg.No / Name /E-mail
1 -Amira
2 -Aslin
3 -Bazilah
4 -Carmen []_________________________________________
5 -Cheryl []_________________________________________
6 -Divya []_________________________________________
7 -Elma []_________________________________________
8 -Juen Yi [ - TRANSFERED - ]_________________________________________
9 -Farah [ ]_________________________________________
10 -Farhanah
11 -Hafizah [
12 -Vera [ ]_________________________________________
13 -Jia Xin
14 -Xin Yu [ ] _________________________________________
15 -Syaqilah
16 -Nurain [ ]_________________________________________
17 -Faiqah
18 -Mei Ling [ ]_________________________________________
19 -S.Wen hui - { } _________________________________________
20 -Siti
21 -T.Wen hui [ ]_________________________________________
22 -Angelina
23 -Gelvan [ ] _________________________________________
24 -Gun Jun
25 -Yi Song
26 -Liroy [ ]_________________________________________
27 -Xian Hao [ ] _________________________________________
28 -Haris
29 -Alfian
30 -Aniq [ ] _________________________________________
31 -Faiz
32 -Syafiq
33 -Jedrick [ ]_________________________________________
34 -Mervin
35 -Zi Hang [ ] _________________________________________
36 -Clement
37 -Daniel [ ] _________________________________________
38 -Yeong Zhun [ ] _________________________________________
That's all ^^ thnks alot for yer cooperation (: [searched for my hotmail contacts. anymore please imform..]
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Since youh all say youh want to make this blog alive or whatever shit ,
I upload kay .
K ,
I have no idea what to write .
I wanna write about some people in Topaz , can ?
If youh guys dont like , can delete this post uh kay [:
Power Rangers , AKA , Alfian , Faiz , Haris , Bazilah and me .
Message : Oh youh guys , how much I love youh ! ( I dont ) You guys cheer me up like crazy when youh know I'm sad . I never want our friendship to fall apart . May we lastlong alright !
Daniel , Jedrick , Gelvan , whatever shit .
Message : Aww , this group of guys here never leave me out . They are my irritating ASSHOLES , and I love them ( I really, really , dont . )
Elmo !
Cute CUTE CUTE lah youh ! UGH , I feel like hugging youh till youh explode ( so that you'll die more faster ) Aww , My best friend !
Meiling !
Message : My darling okay . We may fight , but there's always a way . This one , for real I love you . You know how I will feel , when Im depressed . And not everyone , can do that sweetie [:
Elma , Amira , Aslin , Faiqah !
Message : Ohkay this group of girls , SUPER DUPERH SWEET . They can make anyone smile with their kindness lah okay ! Amira , DISTURB FAIZ MORE ! Uhm okay lah , ily guys .
K , that's all the IMPORTANT people in 1 topaz .
Im kidding okay , ALL of you are important .
This are just the people whom Im somewhat close to .
Aiyah , easier said , I LOVE 1 TOPAZ OKAY .
( Again , I dont . )